I decided to take a weekend of rest at my parents ranch on Hwy 349 south. Taking a break for me means not getting up at 5am to start baking or cooking for the awesome little organic shop I clock into everyday Monday-Friday. It also usually means I don't go to the Y for a sweaty fast heart beating class with thumping music. I try to make myself slow down check out nature and watch all the wildlife. My mom big Frieda usually helps me make this transition must faster than I would like by guilting me into a ranch chore. This weekend it was throwing out cotton seed to the Dorper sheep. Funny site to see a 68 year old aged Barbara Stanwyck looking gal and a 40 year old wanna be chef girl driving a huge dump truck with air breaks and all, throwing out feed to sheep running after a big yellow truck. Where are all the men when you need them?
Lots of thoughts swirl around in the mind when distractions are minimized and I was thinking of several things at once. First I was trying to shed the stress of the week as well think about the Wine & Wagyu event I created for the Gage Hotel. Like a pro ball game I was running through the whole future cook play by play to make sure I was not forgetting something and ready to prep for a the Feb 5th event. After I made of list of "forget nots" and then begin to enjoy the fantasy of how much fun it would be to cook for people and what enjoyment one night, one meal, and the pleasure of good company. I have had many a great night in NY city over the last ten years with that exact combo. I have had nights where the company was great and food was horrible or vice versa, but one of these elements you can control a little more than the other. Sometimes food is a little more pliable than bad company. Note to self: create a great event and cook the best damn food you can Cowgirl. Leave the rest up to the Big Starry sky Guy. Wishing all the best for the 2011 Wine & Wagyu event.
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